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5 Ways to Deal with Fatigue When You Have Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is never fun. For many people, the discomfort they experience slowly starts to erode their quality of life. Oftentimes, a person will avoid certain activities because of pain and even sleep will begin to suffer. Ultimately, anyone with chronic pain will try to find ways to deal with fatigue. Today, we’re going to explore the ways that you can fight back and deal with fatigue when you have chronic pain.

5 Ways to Deal with Fatigue

1. Treat the Root Cause of the Fatigue

Often, if you have chronic pain and are suffering from fatigue, the cause is sleep interruption. Managing your pain truly depends on your condition. We recommend that you discuss your condition with your doctor to find if there are treatment options that can help ease your pain or cure it.

But if there aren’t options available or you want to try a few natural options, you can try:

  • Heating pads work well to ease inflammation, relax muscle tension and lower pain. Studies show that heat wraps can temporarily provide pain reduction.
  • Cold therapy also exists, and this includes icing areas where pain persists, especially if you have acute pain.
  • Lavender oils are an option for people with severe headaches that keep them up at night. Studies show that lavender is effective at reducing migraine headaches.
  • Peppermint oil is another great option, which has been thoroughly studied . People suffering from arthritis or muscle spasms can find relief with peppermint oil, especially rubbed into the muscles.

There are dozens of essential oils and other natural remedies that may help you relieve your pain so that you can sleep well again at night.

2. Try CBD to Ease Pain

CBD is one of the natural pain relievers that can help you conquer fatigue in a few ways. First, CBD has been shown in a 2018 review to relieve chronic pain. The studies found that CBD helped reduce pain associated with neuropathy, cancer and fibromyalgia.

Additionally, the studies found that overall pain management improved when CBD was introduced into a person’s routine.

When it comes to fatigue, CBD may help, too.

Unfortunately, studies in this area are lacking, but there’s a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting that when people take CBD, they can ease pain and find relief from fatigue. Primarily, fatigue relief is experienced because the pain subsides and people can sleep better.

3. Rest More Often

People are used to a daily routine that often consists of:

  • Waking up early in the morning
  • Eating breakfast
  • Rushing to work
  • Heading home
  • Cooking, cleaning
  • Watching Netflix

And, when you spend most of your day running from one task to another, you’ll eventually say “one more episode” of your favorite show. You may sacrifice sleep to stay up just a little bit later.

Instead, it’s time to prioritize your sleep.

If you feel your pain subside in the middle of the day and you can, take a nap. Naps or taking a break will allow you to catch back up on your sleep and slowly push fatigue to the side.

4. Exercise Daily

Physical exercise does a lot of different things to benefit those in chronic pain, including:

  • Keeps muscles loose and promotes a full range of motion
  • Reduces tightness so that your muscles feel more relaxed and tense
  • Promotes sleep and allows you to sleep better at night

When you exercise, one thing to note is to avoid anything that leads to more pain and discomfort. For example, if you have back pain that keeps you up at night, you may want to avoid deadlifts or exercises that put too much strain on your back.

When you exercise, you’ll improve your odds of maintaining a healthy weight and enhance your energy levels. If you need a little help getting started, check out this blog post to discover how you can start exercising when you have chronic pain.

5. Drink More Water

Most people reach for a cup of coffee before they reach for water. Unfortunately, coffee is more likely to cause dehydration than it is to hydrate you. Often, fatigue is caused by nutritional deficiencies, and one of these deficiencies is a lack of water.

Studies show that fluid deprivation leads to:

  • Confusion
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness

Increasing your fluid intake to consume at least 8 cups of water a day can help you break free from fatigue and begin feeling more energetic.

Final Thoughts

Chronic pain can be life-changing, but you can try to restore your quality of life with the right mix of approaches.

When trying to find ways to deal with fatigue, it’s crucial that you do your own research, especially if you take medications. Some medications, when mixed with natural treatments, can cause adverse side effects.

If you suffer from severe fatigue and none of the options above help, consult with a physician to ensure there are no underlying health issues that need to be addressed.

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So with one easy application you can feel your pain start to slip away and naturally boost your energy and reduce chronic fatigue! Making this blend perfect for people who suffer from conditions like fibromyalgia.

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