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MSM for Nerve Pain

Are you considering MSM for nerve pain? Methylsulfonylmethane, MSM for short, is a very popular supplement that is used for numerous health conditions.

What is MSM?

MSM is a sulfur compound that has many health benefits and can be found naturally in humans, animals, and even plants. However, MSM can be made in a lab and is the most common way that supplements are made. You'll find the supplement in both pill and powder form, so choose the option that works best for you.

in the natural medicine community, you'll find most people take this supplement to:

However, does this supplement work? How does it work?

How Does MSM Work?

MSM has been the focus of lab studies where researchers work to determine how this supplement actually works. The preliminary data shows that the sulfur in MSM is the key contributor to the benefits found in the supplement.

MSM has been shown to do a few key things:

  • Create collagen
  • Promote the production of glucosamine
  • Improve joint and bone health
  • Produce immunoglobulins

In terms of safety, the FDA considers MSM to be generally safe.

MSM Side Effects

Side effects are a significant concern for anyone trying to break free from traditional medicine and treat their nerve pain using a natural remedy, such as an MSM supplement. The FDA considers this supplement safe, but there are some side effects that you should consider:

  • Toxicity can occur if dosages exceed 4,900 mg daily
  • Stomach-related issues can occur, such as diarrhea or bloating
  • Skin or eye irritation occurred in one study when applied topically

Note: One concern for anyone that plans to take MSM in supplement form is that alcohol usage may have negative impacts on use. Experts suggest avoiding mixing MSM and other medications that contain sulfur because they can have adverse side effects.

Dosage of MSM for Nerve Pain

Dosing will depend on numerous factors, such as the severity of your pain and your overall body weight. Ideally, you'll use a cream or similar topical product that you can massage into the area where you're experiencing nerve pain.

Since these topicals are already diluted and dosed correctly, this is a safe option to consider.

However, if you're taking MSM in either powder or pill form, you may need to adjust your dosages to find what works best for you. Studies show that when taking up to 4.8 grams of MSM per day, toxicity didn't occur.

Based on this study, it's safe to assume that you can start at a smaller dose and work your way up to 4.8g to see if MSM works for you.

Ideally, you'll start with 1-1.5 grams of MSM per day. Then, slowly, work your way up to better understand how your body reacts to the supplement and if a lower dose provides the nerve pain relief that you seek.

Other Conditions MSM is Known to Help

A lack of studies on nerve pain, specifically, shouldn't stop you from adding MSM into your daily routine to see if you find relief. Many conditions have been studied and have had great success when treated with MSM, including:

  • Joint pain. Studies show that MSM reduces inflammation and prohibits cartilage breakdown in the joints. One study included 100 people that took just 1,200mg of MSM daily to find relief.
  • Inflammation. Research suggests that MSM can help inhibit the NF-kB protein in the body that is responsible for the body's inflammation response. There are additional studies pointing to MSM increasing the level of the glutathione antioxidant in the body, which is further known to combat inflammation.

Additional research suggests that MSM can boost immunity and relieve pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. However, the dosage between studies varies widely, with some studies using as little as 1.2 grams of MSM and others using just under 5g of MSM per day safely.

Final Thoughts

MSM has been the focus of numerous studies , and it's believed that it can:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Block nerve fiber pain response
  • Work as an analgesic

In people with arthritis, it was also found that 6,000 mg of MSM daily, taken over multiple doses, could improve pain and lead to little-to-no side effects. But, unfortunately, studies demonstrating the efficacy of MSM for nerve pain are lacking.

The good news is that there are ample studies, mentioned previously in this article, that show usage is considered generally safe.

Many people suffering from nerve pain have tried supplementing with MSM to ease their pain. For many of these users, they were able to find relief from their pain. Always consult with your doctor before adding a supplement to your diet if you're on medication.

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