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The Beginner's Guide to Improving Well-being

Are you finally ready to begin improving well-being once and for all? So many people, just like you and I, start the year with goals to improve their lives. For many, well-being means something different:

  • Improve fitness
  • Boost health
  • Enhance mental health

And in this beginner's guide to improving well-being, we're going to be covering a lot of tips that you can begin using today to start improving well-being.

If you find yourself a tad overwhelmed by everything, just start slowly and take it one tip at a time. It's always better to start as soon as you can rather than wait for the "perfect" recommendation and never make those positive changes you deserve in life.

Beginner's Guide to Improving Well-being: 3 Tips to Follow Today

1. Give Your Body and Mind a Rest with Adequate Sleep

Are you sleeping enough, or have you fallen into the mantra of "work more, sleep less" that business owners preach to the world? Lack of sleep has a direct impact on your well-being. Actually, a study from the University of South Florida in 2021 found that:

  • 3 nights of sleep loss in a row negatively impact mental and physical well-being
  • Sleep loss led to feelings of loneliness, anger, nervousness, and more
  • Negative feelings increased each night the person didn't sleep the recommended amount

Since sleep is something that we all do, it's one of the factors that you can improve to help your overall well-being.

Ideally, you'll sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night.

And if you're not sleeping the recommended amount, it can also lead to difficulty losing or maintaining weight. Some health issue risks increase with lack of sleep, such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Moral of the story?

Give yourself enough time at night to sleep. If you need some help getting to sleep, check out our blog post about the best natural remedies for sleep!

2. Get Physically Active

Being physically active doesn't mean that you need to run on a treadmill and stare at the wall. And even if you're built like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth, you should still find time to be active.

The reason for being active goes beyond weight loss and can do a lot for your well-being:

  • First and foremost, you can lower your risk of many diseases.
  • Help reduces the effects of chronic pain.
  • Being active can help you maintain healthy body weight or lose weight.
  • Exercising can improve mental health.

Being active, even if this means taking a walk or working in the garden, will boost your mental health, too. Studies show that being active leads to lower levels of:

But how do you start being active? That's up to you. Ideally, you'll commit a few hours every week to be active doing something you like. If you hate lifting weights and jump right into the gym six days a week, there's a good chance that by week three, you've already quit the gym.

Add in fun activities you like (ideally, a little each day of the week) and build up from there.

A few good examples are:

  • Turn on YouTube and follow along with a Yoga instructor
  • Take your dog for an extended walk (just add 15 – 20 minutes)
  • Dust off your bicycle and go for a ride outside

And then, if you want to boost your strength or get swimsuit-ready for the summer, you can join a gym or something similar.

3. Change Up Your Diet

Yes, it's challenging to change your diet. Many people have said that they're going to a zillion times in their lives, but now is really a good time to start making these diet changes. What can you start doing quickly to improve your diet?

  • Cut out alcohol or limit it.
  • Cook or eat slightly less food than usual if you need to lose weight. For example, eat 2 slices of pizza instead of your normal three slices.
  • Add in one fruit per day (and build up).
  • Limit the number of sugary drinks you consume.
  • Find ways to add more protein and fewer carbs to your diet.
  • Drink more water – seriously.
  • Eat slower to allow yourself to feel full.
  • Swap white bread for whole-grain bread.
  • Add Greek yogurt into your diet for a protein boost and to feel satiated for longer.

Of course, there's a lot that you can do to boost your diet, but these tips are a good starting point.

Let's take a look at a few other fast tips to improve your well-being.

6 Fast Tips to Improve Your well-being

  1. Be social. Life gets busy, but isolation can lead to depression. Make time to socialize with friends and family.
  2. Do something you love. Take up a hobby or master one you already have. When you do something that brings you joy, it uplifts your mood.
  3. Enjoy a cup (or two) of coffee. Did you know that coffee has been linked to lower rates of depression? So, go ahead and enjoy a few cups of java to boost your mood.
  4. Disconnect. Leave your smartphone at home and go for a walk. Unplug from social media for a weekend. Taking a break from the noise of the web can help you relax and recharge.
  5. Spend time with Fido (or Felix). Pets can lower cortisol levels and boost levels of oxytocin (the bonding hormone). If you don't have a pet, volunteer at an animal shelter or visit a cat café.
  6. Hit the town. Play a tourist in your city. See the sights and stop for a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant. Getting out of the house (and out of your head) can improve your well-being.

If you take the tips that we outline on improving well-being in this beginner's guide, you'll find that it's a lot easier than you thought to live the life you deserve . All it takes is time and commitment to find the best version of you.

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