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What Is Aloe Vera Used For & Why Does It Help?

When you think about aloe vera , your mind probably immediately goes to burn relief, specifically sunburns. Loads of products exist on the market with aloe vera as a critical ingredient for soothing, calming, and healing skin in addition to burns, like “cool down, hydrating after sun” gels and creams, for instance.

But what else is aloe vera good for, besides being a useful houseplant? The answer? Aloe vera can be used for a few things you might not have considered before. Let’s get into it.

What We Know About Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known as a medicinal plant, as we know, as each plant holds a wealth of gel and juice used for several purposes. Plant enthusiasts and aloe vera pros agree that in order to yield a higher concentration of the active ingredients contained in the aloe vera plant, you should harvest a plant that’s a few years old.

We’ve already touched on the fact that “after sun” gels and creams are all the rage among outdoorsy areas, but there are more ways to utilize the substance. For instance, it’s typically safe to use the aloe vera directly from the plant or to buy and use freshly harvested gel. Different gels, creams, and ointments contain the transparent gel of the aloe vera plant, and the various products are applied topically to treat skin irritation, burns, etc.

In addition to topical products, you can find internal aloe products, like liquid and capsules, to promote overall health and well-being.

Aloe Vera and Burns

The number one use (and most well-known as we’ve touched on before) for aloe vera is to heal burns, typically sunburns, but with more evidence pointing toward wound healing due to extreme burns. It’s a well-known fact that aloe vera has soothing, moisturizing, and cooling properties, which is why it has a reputation as a burn relief substance. Plus, aloe vera in all its forms is pretty inexpensive, making it easily obtainable and readily available.

Of course, you should consult with a medical professional before using anything on a severe burn wound. Still, if it comes to treating sunburns or mild common burns, you can feel confident applying aloe vera a few times daily to the affected area.

Aloe Vera and Digestive Health

We mentioned that you could find ingestible capsules or liquids that promote well-being, right? Well, a big part of that is in your digestive health. If you suffer from regular stomach aches, discomfort, or even irritable bowel syndrome, you might benefit significantly from taking aloe vera in some form or fashion. (Check this source !)

The research supporting this train of thought is ongoing, but the results are promising.

Safety note: Keep in mind that you shouldn’t ingest just any plant, even other aloe plants, as they can be poisonous. The notion of consuming any sort of aloe plant only refers to the aloe vera plant.

Aloe Vera and Oral Health

In 2017, studies showed a positive correlation between aloe vera, dental hygiene, and reducing gingivitis inflammation and plaque. In this study, subjects were to use the aloe vera toothpaste as they would normally (meaning, twice daily). There were no adverse side effects with overall general improvements to the subject’s oral health being the primary finding. That’s pretty neat for the group of people suffering from poor dental health in part due to genetics.

Aloe Vera and Skin Health

The idea that aloe vera could alleviate acne came from actress Drew Barrymore, and the whole ordeal was published in Women’s Health Magazine . Basically, on the fly, she decided to apply some aloe vera to a spot pimple, and after a few days, the redness and swelling were all gone.

In the WHM article, they cited board-certified dermatologist Lauren Fine, M.D. as saying “aloe is often used to treat inflammatory skin conditions, like psoriasis, acne, and eczema.” The hormones found in the plant, auxin and gibberellins, promote growth and wound-healing in addition to the inflammation that comes with acne flareups. Dr. Fine was clear in illustrating that the thing that aloe vera can’t do is heal or fade acne scars since scarring isn’t an active inflammatory process. Therefore, an anti-inflammatory such as aloe vera would be rendered less useful.

How to Care For Your Aloe Vera, How to Extract It, & Other Medical Benefits

The Old Farmer’s Almanac on Caring For An Aloe Vera Plant

Hunker on How To Extract Aloe Vera Gel

Additional Study Covering Aloe Vera & Digestive Ulcers

Healthline on Aloe Vera and Dandruff

Additional Study Covering Aloe Vera & Acne

Additional Study Covering Aloe Vera & Anal Fissures

Who Should Avoid Aloe Vera?

While it’s generally safe to use aloe vera for minor concerns, it is a product that can irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it’s always best to consult with your primary physician to see if it can benefit you safely, if an alternative would suffice, or if aloe vera is something you should avoid entirely. If you do use aloe vera topically, watch for any new sensitivities or adverse reactions relative to how you used it.

  • Those with severe cuts or burns
  • Those who are allergic to garlic, onions, or tulips
  • Those who have any sort of procedure or surgery within two weeks
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Those Who Should Avoid Internal Use:

  • Children under the age of 12 should avoid oral use of aloe vera
  • Those with hemorrhoids
  • Those with any kidney conditions
  • Those with renal disorders
  • Those with cardiac conditions
  • Those with Crohn’s disease
  • Those with ulcerative colitis
  • Those with intestinal obstruction
  • Those with diabetes

Potential Side Effects With Aloe Vera

  • Topically:
    • skin irritation
  • Orally:
    • Cramping
    • Diarrhea
    • Electrolyte imbalances
    • Nausea
  • Both:
    • Muscle weakness
    • Kidney issues

What’s Better than Traditional Aloe Vera? Herbal Mana’s Bare Warrior CBD Cream

If you’re looking for an all-in-one product that can get you feeling your best, our Bare Warrior CBD Cream is what you’re looking for. It’s specially formulated to help hydrate, repair, protect, and rejuvenate the skin, using all-natural and organic ingredients such as CBD, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Aloe Vera, and more.

Herbal Mana and CBD

We’ve paired CBD with healing ingredients such as aloe vera to make a stellar healing combination that targets a number of symptoms and ailments. The CBD that you’ll find in our Bare Warrior Cream is of the highest quality, sourced from medicinal hemp grown locally in the USA.

100% organic, 100% full-spectrum CBD. Many use cannabidiol to treat inflammation, general pain, stress, anxiety, aid sleep, as an anti-bacterial, and for muscle spasms, seizures, and tremors. However, what works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa, so it’s best to try it out and see what you find.

Click here to learn more, or to Check out our Bare Warrior (CBD Infused Skincare Cream) today!

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