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What Are the Health Benefits of Vitamin D3?

There are many, but what are the health benefits of Vitamin D3? With more people spending time indoors and limiting their sun exposure, vitamin D3 deficiency is becoming a growing problem in the developed world. If you have a deficiency, supplementing vitamin D can offer many benefits. In this blog, we answer the questions: What are the health benefits of vitamin D3? How much vitamin D3 should I take daily? We will also discuss vitamin D3 deficiency and vitamin d3 side effects.

Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in calcium absorption, immune health, and a host of other functions. It’s a unique vitamin because it functions like a hormone, but it’s also hard to come by through diet alone. Vitamin D3 is naturally found in some animal-based foods, but your body produces this hormone when you're exposed to sunlight.

How Much Vitamin D3 Should I Take Daily?

The amount of vitamin D3 you need depends on your age. Here's how much you need, according to the NIH :

  • 0-12 months: 10 mcg
  • 1-13 years old: 15 mcg
  • 14-18 years old: 15 mcg
  • 19-70 years old: 15 mcg
  • 71+ years of age: 20 mcg
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 15 mcg

Vitamin D3 Deficiency Symptoms

An estimated 1 billion people across the world are vitamin D3 deficient. There are many factors that can lead to deficiency, such as:

  • Living far from the equator
  • Spending most of your time indoors
  • Not eating enough dairy or fish (both are food sources of vitamin D3)
  • Obesity

Obesity may cause a vitamin D deficiency because fat cells absorb this vitamin, which keeps it from circulating throughout your body.

The signs and symptoms of a vitamin D3 deficiency are not always obvious and may be confused with other medical issues.


Fatigue can be caused by many things, including vitamin D3 deficiency.

Frequent Illness

Vitamin D3 plays an important role in your immune function .

Studies have found a link between vitamin D3 deficiency and respiratory tract infections. Studies also suggest that taking up to 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily may reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections.

Research shows that very low levels of vitamin D3 can have a negative impact on the quality of life, but levels don’t have to be severely low to see an impact. One study found that women with vitamin D levels between 21 ng/ml and 29 ng/ml were more likely to have fatigue than those with blood levels over 30 ng/ml. Anything lower than 20ng/ml is considered deficient.


Many vitamin deficiencies can cause depression, and vitamin D3 is no exception. Studies suggest that a deficiency in this vitamin can cause depression, particularly in older adults.

Other research has shown that supplementing vitamin D can help improve depression symptoms, especially in people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the winter.


A lack of vitamin D can cause back, bone, and muscle pain. Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in calcium absorption, which is important for bone health.

Observational studies have found a link between vitamin D3 deficiency and lower back pain. In one study involving 9,000 older women, researchers found that those with a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to experience back pain.

Another study found that those with low levels of vitamin D3 were twice as likely to have bone pain in their ribs, legs, or joints.

Low levels of this vitamin may also cause muscle pain. In one study , 71% of participants with chronic pain were also deficient in vitamin D3. There is some evidence that taking a high-dose supplement of the vitamin (if you’re severely deficient) may reduce some types of pain.

Slow Wound Healing

Low levels of vitamin D3 may also make it harder for wounds to heal. It’s believed that the vitamin is needed to produce compounds that help form new skin during the healing process.

Vitamin D3 also helps keep inflammation in check and fight against infection, both of which are important for wound healing.

Bone Loss

Vitamin D3 is needed for bone metabolism and calcium absorption. Low levels of this vitamin can lead to bone loss.

One study involving more than 1,000 menopausal and postmenopausal women found a link between low bone mineral density and low levels of vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 Side Effects

Vitamin D3 deficiency is common, and many people take supplements to help resolve the problem. But what if you take too much? And can these supplements cause side effects?

It’s important to seek medical attention right away if you’re taking vitamin D3 and have signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the throat.

Signs of a vitamin D3 overdose, or vitamin D toxicity, include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent urination
  • Metallic taste in the mouth

Toxicity is rare, but you’re taking ultra-high doses, this can increase the risk. Make sure that you consult with your doctor before taking any vitamin supplement.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 offers many health benefits, including:

1. Immune Health

We know that a deficiency can negatively affect immune health, so maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D may boost your immune function.

Research suggests that D3 helps regulate the immune system and targets immune cells, including macrophages, monocytes, B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, and dendritic cells. Immune cells also express enzymes that activate vitamin D.

Maintaining healthy vitamin levels including vitamin D3 may help your body better fight off infections and illness, although more research is needed.

2. Bone and Muscle Health

More than 200 million people suffer from osteoporosis. One in three women and one in five men will experience osteoporosis-related fractures in their lifetimes. Vitamin D3 supplementation may help prevent debilitating bone loss.

Vitamin D3 can help you maintain healthy bones and muscles, even as you age. This essential vitamin helps your body absorb calcium, which is crucial for bone health.

Research suggests that vitamin D3 may help older adults achieve higher peak bone mass and ultimately may help prevent osteoporosis.

3. Heart Health

Worldwide, an estimated 17.9 million lives are lost to heart disease each year. It’s the leading cause of death globally. While vitamin D3 certainly cannot cure heart disease, it may help promote heart health.

More research is needed, but there is mounting evidence that vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to a greater risk of heart attack, peripheral arterial disease, congestive heart failure, and strokes.

4. Mood Boost

Healthy vitamin D3 levels may help keep depression at bay. One study found that supplementing vitamin D improved depression symptoms, resulting in better overall well-being.

There is also some evidence that low levels of vitamin D may also make anxiety worse. One study found that children with low vitamin D levels had more anxiety and stress compared to other kids. Maintaining healthy levels of this vitamin may help keep you happy and less anxious.

5. Improve Calcium Absorption

You know that vitamin D plays a crucial role in calcium absorption. Supplementation can help ensure that your body has all the calcium it needs for healthy bones, muscles, blood vessels, and nerve function.

If you’re low on calcium, taking a calcium supplement can help, but your body needs to be able to absorb it. That’s where vitamin D3 comes in. A combination of calcium and vitamin D3 can help promote bone health and may even reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Final Word

Vitamin D3 is an essential vitamin that your body needs to function optimally. When levels are too low, it can cause a wide range of issues, from fatigue to pain and even poor immune function. If you’re deficient in this vitamin, supplementation can help you enjoy many of the benefits listed above. Even if you choose to supplement Vitamin D3, it can take some time for you to feel the effects.

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