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Positive Affirmations for Stress

Whether it is navigating the workforce, hosting during the holidays, or simply keeping up with the demands of daily life, stress is inevitable. The good news? Some forms of stress can positively affect our lives, ensuring we get that assignment in on time, nab the perfect gift for a loved one, or whip the house into shape before guests arrive. Then there are the types of stress that are unserving and unhealthy. It is essential that we manage these types of chronic stress. Making stress management techniques a part of our daily lives can improve sleep, boost the immune system, ease headache and muscle tension, promote healthy digestion, and lower blood pressure. One of our favorite techniques? Positive affirmations for stress!

Stress Management Tips

To properly manage stress, we first need to be aware of when we get stressed. So, stay present with your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing throughout the day, paying attention to bodily tension, heart palpitations, confusion, racing thoughts, feelings of fear, frustration, and overwhelm.

When these experiences do arise, consider doing some deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation exercises, taking a few mindful minutes, soothing your senses with some relaxing music or a walk outdoors, or reciting a few comforting affirmations.

Positive affirmations help by curtailing the negative ruminations that contribute to stress, allowing you to shift to a more balanced, optimistic, peaceful perspective. You may wish to say the following affirmation as they are or rewrite them in ways the resonate more with you and your needs. Remember to practice deep breathing as you say them to make the most of your moments of self-care.

Positive Affirmations for Stress

1. I am breathing; each breath fills me with a greater sense of calm and peace
2. I accept my circumstances as they are; my discomfort will pass
3. Feelings are not facts; I am not my stress
4. I'm exhaling tension, fear, and worry. I am inhaling peace, optimism, and clarity
5. I am present in this moment, taking one step forward at a time
6. I am grateful for life's challenges. They are testaments to my strength
7. I have overcome challenges in the past, I can overcome this
8. There are no failures, just lessons; I am at peace with all outcomes
9. I am safe. I am strong. My discomfort is temporary
10. This moment does not define me. The future is bright
11. Each moment is a new opportunity for love, light, and abundance
12. I choose peace and positivity; I release fear and worry
13. In the end, everything will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not the end
14. I choose to focus on what I value, not what I fear
15. A bad moment doesn't equal a bad day

16. A bad day doesn't equal a bad life
17. I will not stress over what I cannot change
18. I can do anything, but not everything.
19. My stressful thoughts are balloons. I allow them to float away (visualize it as you affirm it!)
20. I will not forfeit today by stressing about tomorrow
21. Peace of mind is my highest goal
22. I release the past and accept my inability to control the future
23. I have all I need to be happy. My life is abundant
24. I am enough and so are my efforts
25. I am focused on the positive experiences I wish to create
26. I acknowledge my stress and release it for the sake of peace
27. I surrender my fear to the unconditional love of the universe
28. My momentary stress does not negate my enduring courage
29. I choose to treat myself with compassion and view the world with love
30. Life is beautiful, even its imperfections

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