How to Cope with Chronic Pain During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is here, and while it’s a time of joy and celebration, for those of us who cope with chronic pain, it can be overwhelming. Cold weather, bustling family gatherings, and festive indulgences often trigger flare-ups, making it hard to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year.

But chronic pain doesn’t have to steal your holiday spirit! With the right strategies, we can all focus on what really matters—spending time with loved ones and creating lasting memories. Here’s how we cope with chronic pain during the holiday season.

Take it Easy

how to cope with chronic pain during the holiday season person taking it easy and relaxing

We know—easier said than done! But one of the best ways to cope with chronic pain during the holidays is to avoid over-committing. It’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of activities, but pushing ourselves too hard will only make our pain worse.

Set realistic expectations and give yourself permission to say no when needed. Skip the extra events if necessary, and find time to rest between your plans. Your friends and family will understand.

Delegate and Share Responsibilities

Don’t feel like you have to carry the entire season on your shoulders. The holidays are about togetherness, so delegate tasks and share responsibilities.

Hosting? Make it a potluck and ask guests to bring a dish. Get the kids involved with decorating, or hire local teens to shovel snow or help set up. By sharing the workload, you can preserve your energy and better manage your pain. 

Make Time for Rest

Amid all the excitement, don’t forget to schedule some downtime. Chronic pain gets worse when we’re constantly on the go. Prioritize rest and recovery by taking breaks between activities.

Whether it’s enjoying a quiet evening at home or squeezing in a power nap, giving your body the rest it needs can help prevent flare-ups and keep your energy up for the moments that matter most.

Prioritize Exercise, Diet and Sleep

Aside from our wallets, three things tend to suffer the most during the holidays:

  1. Exercise
  2. Sleep
  3. Diet

Staying active and maintaining a healthy routine is key to coping with chronic pain all year, and it’s especially important during the holiday season.

  • Exercise: Physical activity can reduce pain and stress. Even a short walk can help you feel better.
  • Diet: The holidays are full of indulgent treats, but sticking to an 80/20 rule—80% healthy, 20% indulgent—can keep inflammation in check. Remember, sometimes the sweets just aren’t worth the pain.
  • Sleep: A solid sleep routine is essential. Sleep deprivation can worsen chronic pain, so aim to stick to your regular bedtime, even when your schedule is busy.

Try Aromatherapy for Relaxation

how to cope with chronic pain during the holiday season aromatherapy essential oils with fresh herbs

When stress and discomfort rise, aromatherapy can be a soothing way to cope with chronic pain while also adding to the festive spirit! In fact, research has shown that aromatherapy can significantly reduce pain. Some of the most beneficial essential oils for pain include:

Take a few minutes to enjoy aromatherapy in a quiet space to relax both your body and mind. Give yourself time to rest—whether it’s a nap, a good book, or meditation, aromatherapy can work wonders for your mood and pain.

Explore Natural Remedies to Ease Pain

When coping with chronic pain, natural remedies can offer effective relief:


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, CBD for pain can be a valuable tool to provide localized and systemic relief without adverse side effects


This powerful compound provides fast relief by targeting pain at the source, making it a top choice for those who need quick, effective relief. Research has shown that DMSO can be effective for immediate pain relief. In addition, it can be applied topically for targeted relief.

Ginger and Turmeric

Both of these ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and improve overall well-being. In fact, in one study, people with osteoarthritis took 1 gram of ginger extract daily for three months. The study found that ginger reduced inflammation and nitric oxide levels.

Other studies have found that turmeric can also reduce markers of inflammation and can sometimes be as effective as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Remember to Enjoy the Moment

At the end of the day, the holidays are meant to be enjoyed! It’s easy to stress over the little details, but the real magic is in the moments we share with loved ones. By listening to your body, pacing yourself, and following these tips, you can cope with chronic pain and make the most of the holiday season.

Looking for fast relief to help you enjoy the holidays?

Try Alpha Warrior+ Maximum Relief DMSO Cream, a fast-absorbing formula infused with refreshing essential oils like peppermint and wintergreen. Designed to help you cope with chronic pain and stress, it’s powered by DMSO, full-strength hemp, frankincense, and more to relieve pain, inflammation, and tension in just minutes—so you can focus on what matters most.

Even better, it smells fantastic—perfect for the festive season! You won’t have to worry about overwhelming your guests with strong menthol scents .Don’t let pain or inflammation hold you back from enjoying the holidays. Grab your jar of Alpha Warrior+ today and experience lasting, natural relief.

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Grab your jar of Alpha Warrior+ Cream today and experience lasting, natural relief.

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